Summer Vacation 2018

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Hey Everyone – it’s me, Deirdre!  And this is my family.  I am coming up on a year of Milkweed and Mango and we have grown tremendously since I first introduced myself.  My family consists of my husband, Jordan,  and our two kids, Averie who is 4 going on 14 and Jack who is 2.  Fun fact:  Jack and I share a birthday! 

We recently returned home from our annual fishing trip on the Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada, and I have to say this was one of the BEST trips we have had so far.  The kids are now old enough to enjoy the fishing, singing, and relaxation that makes these trips so fun.  I came up with a genius idea which helped keep the kids on their best behavior during fishing called “the tackle box fairy”.  She puts snacks in tackle boxes of kids who have good attitudes about going fishing.  AND if you caught a fish, the tackle box fairy gave you money to go buy candy!  One time Jack got more snacks than Avie did and from then on she was always good about not whining.  It was fun and it worked.  The tackle box fairy also had a nice surprise for the adults: tons and tons and tons of fish were biting! 

The kids always share a room so it was a little complicated with Jack in a crib last year.  But this year, they snuggled!!!  Bedtime was such a breeze, I don’t even care if they continue to share a bed when we return home.  As long as they go to sleep, Mama is happy.  Plus, I just love that they love each other.  


Another special thing happened on this trip; my husband and son wore matching button down shirts for the first time!  Jordan made me promise not to call them Dad and Lad shirts (he thinks it corny) but I don’t even care: #DadandLad #DadandLad #DadandLad!!  It was such a fun process and I treated it just like any other custom collaboration that I do with Milkweed and Mango.  It was special watching them bond over the design of their shirts and picking out their favorite fish print.  Jack was beyond excited and proud to match his Dad and personally I think they are the most handsome set of guys I have ever seen!

These trips are so important for us because the fishing club is pretty off the grid so it really gives us the opportunity to disconnect with our busy lives and focus on what matters most: each other. 

But enough about me, I would love to hear from you too!!  What special memories have your families made on vacation or staycation?